The 100, Love Me, In Limbo
Film & TV
RWBY, Red vs Blue
Anime & Animation
Judge Dredd, Dark City, Mad Max: Fury Road
Comic Book Creators
Blood and Gold series, The Infernal
Critical Role, Sailor Moon, Jujutsu Kaisen
Anime & Animation Gaming
The Prison Healer, The Medoran Chronicles, Whisper
Shakedowners, The Territory Series
Once Upon A Time, Snowpiercer, Archive 81
Film & TV
Superman & Lois, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Teen Wolf
Film & TV Gold Coast 2025 Melbourne 2025
Blood Covenant, The Leaves Forget, The Fall
Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Anime & Animation
What About Sal?, The Possessed, Wolf Creek
Film & TV
Afterburn, Bill and Ted Roll The Dice, Orphan Black
Comic Book Creators
My Little Pony, The Left Hand Path
Comic Book Creators
Mini Motor Racing, Fruit Ninja, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Comic Book Creators Gaming
This Present Past, Ancient Future series
Venom, Daredevil: Woman Without Fear, Edge of Spider-Verse
Comic Book Creators
Star Trek Holo-Ween, SuperAustralians, The Human Fly
Back To The Future Trilogy, The Addams Family, Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Film & TV
Nerd Rock Band from Seattle
Musical Artists
Peacemaker series, Sentients of Orion series, Parrish Plessis trilogy
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dragon Ball Super
Film & TV
American actor, singer and songwriter James Marsters first found international fame playing punk-goth Brit vampire Spike in the critically acclaimed American TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the equally popular spin-off, Angel. He has also played Brainiac in TV’s Smallville and had recurring guest roles in Hawaii 5-0, Torchwood, Caprica and Witches of East End. James also starred in Marvel’s Runaways TV series, and voiced the villain Zamasu in Dragon Ball Super.
Film roles include romantic love story P.S. I Love You with Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler and Kathy Bates, USA Original true-crime film Cool Money, independent thriller Shadow Puppets, Winding Roads, The House On Haunted Hill, Chance with Buffy co-star Amber Benson and the live action film of Dragon Ball.
James’s voiceover talents can be found portraying Lex Luthor on the DVD release of Superman: Doomsday and he continues to read for the very popular Dresden Files books on tape series.
He has received numerous nominations and awards, including the Spacey Award, the Saturn Award, the Cinescape Face of the Future Award, the Golden Satellite Award, and the Teen Choice Award.
James is also a singer songwriter and has enjoyed sell-out concerts in America, Canada, Australia and Europe. He brought out his first solo album, Civilized Man, in 2005 and has self produced 5 more CDs with his band, Ghost of the Robot.