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Deadpool and Wolverine is set to hit theatres on July 25, marking the official entry of Deadpool, everyone’s favourite fourth-wall-smashing Merc with a Mouth, into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After discovering his own universe is in danger, Deadpool recruits a reluctant variant of Hugh Jackman’s iconic Wolverine to help him save it.
While Deadpool’s off-the-wall behaviour is miles apart from Wolverine’s often dark, brooding nature, their shared healing factor gives them at least one thing in common, while also providing the opportunity for brutal, but hilarious and low-stakes battles between the two.
Fans are expecting great things from this unlikely duo, and they are justified in letting their hopes run high. This won’t be the first time in the MCU that a seemingly unlikely team-up has worked out well onscreen.
Captain America and Black Widow
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Of the six original Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, and Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, are probably the furthest apart on the morality scale. While Steve is the perfect all-American boy, standing for everything good and true, Natasha, raised and trained in the mysterious Red Room, is not above a little scheming, deceit, and manipulation in the name of completing the mission.
Steve is troubled by this during their initial mission together in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but the pair are quickly forced to put any differences aside when the secret HYDRA presence within S.H.I.E.L.D turns the entirety of the latter against them. Nat’s skills prove useful while the two of them are on the run, and in turn, the Black Widow grows to respect Cap’s morals.
The events of the film forge a close bond between the two, so much so that Natasha allows Cap and Bucky to escape in Civil War, despite having been on Iron Man’s side in the conflict.
Thor and Rocket Raccoon
Avengers: Infinity War
Taking the Thor franchise from high fantasy to a slightly zany space adventure in the third film, Thor: Ragnarok was a stroke of genius on the part of Marvel Studios, setting him up perfectly for his appearance alongside the Guardians of the Galaxy in Avengers: Infinity War. Thor spends most of Infinity War on a mission to Nidavellir with Rocket Raccoon and Groot, to obtain a new weapon with which to fight Thanos.
Thor and Rocket get along surprisingly well, with Thor treating Rocket with a greater amount of respect than he is used to from his friends. This friendship continues into Endgame when Thor and Rocket are paired up during the Time Heist, with Rocket trying to help Thor work through his survivor’s guilt after failing to kill Thanos.
While Rocket apparently ‘ghosted’ Thor after he and the Guardians part ways in Thor: Love and Thunder, many fans hope to see the pair on screen together again in the future.
Tony Stark and Nebula
Avengers: Endgame
During the filming of Infinity War and Endgame, reports emerged that Karen Gillan’s then anti-hero leaning Guardians of the Galaxy character, Nebula, would develop an unlikely friendship with another hero. Few expected that that hero to be Iron Man himself, Tony Stark. Despite fighting alongside each other, Nebula and Tony are never officially introduced during the events of Infinity War, but there is little time to dwell on that when they are stranded together in the aftermath of the Decimation. Endgame opens with the pair working together to try and repair the Guardians’ ship, to no avail.
Tony is kinder to Nebula than she is used to, teaching her how to play paper football and giving her what may be the first win of her life. Though their screen time together is brief, it is memorable, heralding the beginning of positive change for Nebula’s character.
Monica Rambeau, Jimmy Woo, and Darcy Lewis
When WandaVision, a series exploring the relationship of Wanda Maximoff and The Vision through the history of American sitcoms, was announced, fans were rather surprised at the supporting cast, seeming to be a rather random collection of characters from other MCU projects. However, the growing camaraderie between the now-adult Monica Rambeau, Agent Jimmy Woo, and Astrophysicist Darcy Lewis proves a highlight of the series, as they find themselves becoming all that stands between Westview, Wanda, and the darker elements within S.W.O.R.D. Many fans are now eager to see the characters work together again in the future.
Valkyrie and Mighty Thor
Thor: Love and Thunder
After an extended hiatus from the MCU, Natalie Portman returned as Jane Foster, now empowered by Mjolnir to become Mighty Thor, in Thor: Love and Thunder. Some fans wondered whether the science-minded Jane would get along with one of Thor’s newer allies, the battle-happy booze-hound Valkyrie. However, by the time Thor returns from his jaunt with the Guardians, Jane/Mighty Thor is already ensconced in life in New Asgard, with the implication that Valkyrie helped her after her initial Mighty Thor transformation, and has been a sort of confidant in the face of Jane’s battle with cancer. Valkyrie even refers to Jane as a sister, which some fans saw as a fun Easter Egg regarding Jane eventually becoming a Valkyrie herself in the comics.
Iron Man, Valkyrie, and Korg
What If..?, Season 2
For many fans, one of the most fun episodes of What If…?’s second season is 2×04, What If… Iron Man Crashed Into The Grandmaster?. Opening with the premise of Tony accidentally being transported to Sakarr after blowing up the Chitauri ship in the first Avengers film, the episode eventually sees Tony forced into a Mario Kart-style death race over Sakarr’s future leadership. His time on Sakarr brings Tony into contact with some of Thor’s biggest Ragnarok allies, Valkyrie and the wannabe revolutionary Korg, of the Kronan race. Working together to triumph in the race, the trio have surprisingly solid comedic chemistry.
With a massive cast of characters that grows bigger with each new project, we’re sure to see more unexpected MCU team-ups in the future. Time will tell how Deadpool and Wolverine stacks up.