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There’s a bounty out on Gold Coast Supa-Fans and Boba Fett has come to collect! The Book of Boba Fett’s Temuera Morrison is officially the latest Supa-Star to sign on for Supanova on the Gold Coast, 9-10 April at the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre!

Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett
One of New Zealand’s foremost performers, Morrison’s career milestones have truly come from opposite ends of the galaxy. After rising to fame in the critically acclaimed Once Were Warriors, the actor first donned the iconic Mandalorian armour in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, paving the way to his starring role in The Book of Boba Fett, which premiered on Disney+ in late 2021. When he’s not chasing bounties across the galaxy, Morrison can be seen in Aquaman as the father of the Atlantean hero and will soon reprise his role in the film’s upcoming sequel, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.
From The Book of Boba Fett to the authors of your favourite books, Supanova Comic Con & Gaming is also set to host some of the strongest literary talent the country has to offer. Leading the announcements is Australian author John Birmingham, best known for his 1994 memoir, He Died With a Felafel In His Hand, a cornerstone of Queensland sharehouse literature that was adapted for the big screen in 2001, quickly becoming a cult classic.
Putting the ‘Supa’ in The Supernatural Sisters, Maria Lewis is set to return hot on the heels of her latest novel, Her Fierce Creatures, the final instalment in her fan-favourite series. She is joined by fellow Supa-Star alumna Amanda Bridgeman, author of The Salvation series, which is now in development for television by the powerhouses behind Mr. Robot and True Detective.
Australia’s master of literary darkness, Alan Baxter, will also appear ahead of the release of The Fall, the second entry into his ominous Tales From The Gulp series, with advanced copies available ahead of its release on Tuesday, 12 April. He will attend alongside burgeoning sci-fi author Jeremy Szal, creator of The Common series, which has been described as “Blade Runner and The Dark Knight meets Mass Effect 2”.
Comic book fans, keep an eye out for our next wave of sensational Supa-Star announcements in the lead up to April! Tickets to the event and Autograph Tokens are available now via Moshtix, with Photo-ops and Supa-Star Lunch Experiences expected to go on sale closer to the show.