2017 has been a truly massive year and while it’s almost exhausting to look ahead to 2018, we need to because “time waits for no man”… except maybe this one.
We’re Supa-Excited to announce that the first guest for our 2018 shows is none other than the 12th Doctor himself: Peter Capaldi!
We all know that The Doctor will soon be regenerating into the 13th incarnation of the universe’s favourite Time Lord, but that is great news for us as we can now ask him to pilot his TARDIS down under for a visit to both our Melbourne and Gold Coast events.
Peter is well known through the Doctor Who universe, having appeared previously in the Season 4 Episode “The Fires of Pompei” with David Tennant, and also in Torchwood: Children of Earth with John Barrowman. He is also well known for his work as Malcolm Tucker in the polticial series In The Thick of It and its spin off film In The Loop.
Peter will be appearing at Supanova’s Melbourne and Gold Coast events in April 2018. Keep an eye out for more guest announcements over the coming months in the lead up.