COVID-19 has dealt a massive blow to devotees of the big-screen movie experience, with cinemas around the world among the many businesses temporarily shutting down to help slow the spread of the virus. However, a bust for traditional movie theatres has proved a boon for the movie-going experiences of yesteryear.
Drive-in movie theatres were one of the first establishments allowed to re-open when restrictions were relaxed. They’ve been doing a roaring trade ever since, because as it turns out, there’s a lot to love about drive-in movies!
You Don’t Even Have to Leave Your Car
Just pay at the ticket box on the way in, choose a prime parking spot, and tune your car radio. Then all that’s left to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy some movie magic!
If you need to take an important phone call, or tend to a fussy child in the middle of the film, you can easily do so without bothering other customers.
It’s a Money-Saver For Families
Many parents on the hunt for a safe outing with the kids are now discovering the cost benefits of the drive-in, as they’ll usually be able to take the whole family out for a movie at a fraction of the price of a visit to a regular theatre. It’s a great option for cash-strapped friends too. On average, traditional movie tickets run at around $20 per person. In comparison, most drive-in theatres offer entry to a full carload for a similar price.
For the uninitiated, in drive-in speak, a carload covers as many people as can legally fit in your car. So, don’t try and sneak in extra mates in the boot like they do in Grease (a drive-in favourite, as it happens), but if they’ve all got seatbelts on, then you’re good to go!
A Chance To Catch Classic Films On The Big Screen
Regular movie theatres are beginning to tentatively reopen their doors in some areas. In theory, this is a great thing, potentially getting a large number of people back into their jobs, and returning a favourite recreational activity to the public. There’s just one teensy little problem: Though cinemas are open for business, Hollywood may not be. Many studios are still holding back their biggest movies until later in the year.
The lack of new content is less of an issue for drive-in cinemas. While they will screen a few big films, drive-ins often make their big money by taking advantage of the retro feel of the drive-in experience and screening older films. Their nightly schedule regularly includes cult classics, beloved favourites, and sometimes even a double feature. For example, the flagship screenings of many recent drive-in reopenings included Scream, Labyrinth, A Nightmare On Elm Street, and a sing-along edition of Grease. If there’s a cult classic film you’d love to experience on the big screen, check out the schedule at your local drive-in. You might just get lucky!
You Can Take Your Own Food!
Like traditional cinemas, most drive-in theatres have their own concession stand or café for customers to purchase snacks for their movie. However, unlike traditional cinemas, drive-ins don’t usually have any rules against movie-goers bringing in outside food. You can pack your own snacks and drinks, or even grab your favourite takeaway meal on your way to the movie, and you won’t have to worry about sneaking it in, because it’s all completely allowed! Just make sure you toss any trash, or take it with you when you leave. Littering in the drive-in parking lot is not cool.