Hello to all of our Prints Paradise artists!
We know it’s been a particularly difficult two years for creatives, as the unpredictability of COVID restrictions has resulted in numerous event cancellations and postponements across the entire industry. With fewer opportunities to showcase your wares in person, our team has been brainstorming ways in which we can use our platform to help promote your online business (as well as your physical stands at our shows!).
The Supanova Editorial team is looking to run a new series of features, showcasing the variety of sellers we’re proud to call our Exhibitors. They’re huge fans of The Alley, so what better place to start than the Prints Paradise section?! If you’d like to be included, please fill in the form below and supply all the details requested. If you have any troubles or a section is not relevant to you, simply leave a note to that effect in the field provided (e.g. “I do not have an online store”). If none of the questions apply to you, then you may be best suited to another Exhibitor category.
This round of submissions closes at 11:59pm AEST on Sunday, 19 September 2021. Please note that only a select number of Exhibitors will be featured in each article, as we’d hate for your store to get lost amongst dozens of sellers. We will do our best to get through as many as we can over multiple publications, so hang tight. For all other Exhibitors and retailers, we’ll be expanding our Showcase to feature additional categories over the coming months!