When it comes to movie sequels, there are plenty of films that have received more than one following title, but what about those movies that deserve a sequel and never got one? Here are just five movies some fans think deserve a second or third story!
Based on the book series by Philip Reeve, Mortal Engines tells the story of a world where cities live on wheels. A girl named Hester Shaw meets a boy called Tom and the two fight for the survival of the remaining cities when a huge threat begins to destroy everything in its path. The original story is told through four different books, and so many fans thought that the film series would follow through with the same amount of sequels. Unfortunately, the 2018 film didn’t quite hit the mark at the box office, so it’s unlikely we’ll see a sequel.
In the early ’60s, a CIA agent and KGB operative partner up in a joint mission to take down a mysterious criminal organisation. The film was directed by Guy Ritchie and stars Man of Steel’s Henry Cavill alongside Armie Hammer. With a cast like that, it was expected that a sequel could be made.
The film was released in 2015 and still, five years later, both Ritchie and Hammer hope for a sequel. But, sadly much like Mortal Engines, the box office numbers weren’t that great and the film suffered a loss. If it is more Man From U.N.C.L.E. you want, then be sure to check out the original hit show as well as the 1983 follow-up action/thriller.
Duncan Jones, director of Source Code and Moon, helped bring Warcraft to cinemas in 2016. Despite having the name of the original game, the film was based upon World of Warcraft and told the classic story of Alliance versus Horde.
The movie starred Vikings actor Travis Fimmel and did an exceptional job of pleasing original Warcraft fans. Although, that may have been its problem. For those who had never played the Warcraft games, the film was lacking, leaving behind some confused audiences, which resulted in mixed reviews.
Although the film fared well at the box office, it didn’t reach its targeted amount, and so what was originally planned as a trilogy fell through. Recently Jones revealed his plans for the sequels, explaining the second would have been about the character Thrall as a young Orc slave who meets and befriends a Tauren who tells him of another land to the west, where his people came from and possibly what might be his true home.
Cult classic Mean Girls is a movie beloved by everyone. But before we dig into this acclaimed flick, it is well known that a second Mean Girls movie has been made and aired in 2011. However, the film was given harsh criticism and none of the original stars returned. And so to some fans, the second film is not a sequel but a nightmare many choose to ignore.
When it comes to a Mean Girls sequel, fans want to see Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams and Amanda Seyfried return. The original movie ends on a high note and fans want to see their favourite characters bring back the drama that is dearly missed. Although McAdams and Lohan have both expressed interest in a true sequel, they also think that it could never be done. However, Tina Fey (director of Mean Girls) has recently teased a musical version of the classic movie. But without the original cast, is this the follow-up fans want?
It goes without saying that Andrew Garfield pulled off a great Spider-Man but a questionable Peter Parker. To some, Garfield was the best, and to others, he was not quite the ticket. But whether you loved him or hated him, a third and a fourth film is something needed.
Marvel fans first met Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man in 2012 alongside Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy. The first movie was the well-known origin story of the web-slinger, but it was told with a different villain and different love interest. In 2014, a sequel was made and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 became another questionable yet successful box office hit. Although it was a hit, it didn’t do quite as well as the first film, but it still made enough money for a third to be made. Yet, a third film never happened.
Sony originally greenlit a third and fourth movie which involved Gwen Stacy (SPOILERS) returning from the dead and becoming Spider-Gwen. The fourth film would then go on to a Sinister Six-type movie and inspire many spin-offs. The third movie was set for release in 2016 and the fourth in 2018. So, what happened? In 2014, a major hack occurred with Sony and leaked information was spread across the internet. The leaked information hinted that the studio wanted to replace Garfield with a younger actor but knew it would cause a lot of issues. And so, after many decisions, all sequels and spin-offs fell through and Sony shut down The Amazing Spider-Man.
There are many movies out there that deserve sequels, but sadly it doesn’t always come down to what fans want. Sometimes, we just have to make do with what we get, even if what we get leaves us itching for more.