March 29-30, 2025
Melbourne Showgrounds
Dusted off those super suits? Check. Tested your canary cry? Double check. The Arrowverse is approaching our screens once again at lightning speed, and while Oliver Queen may be behind bars, we’re still allowed visitation rights to the upcoming seasons of Arrow, The Flash, DC’s Legend Of Tomorrow and Supergirl.
Oliver won’t be coming back from the Bahamas following the events of the season six finale. In a shocking but long-awaited turn of events, we see him finally reveal his hidden identity as the Green Arrow to the world, which lands him behind bars alongside the various other criminals he helped put there. The pecking order probably doesn’t need to be explained; Green is the New Black isn’t so pretty without those arrows.
New series showrunner Beth Schwartz has already made her presence known, with the show promising to return to its dark roots. While it isn’t clear as of yet what exactly this entails, we’re thinking it both ties into a ‘reprehensible’ act hinted by James Bamford, stunt coordinator and director, and the return of Roy Harper, whose red jacket and tongue-in-cheek attitude made him a fan favourite. ‘The Demon’ has also been stated as the bad guy for the season. If this name rings a bell, then you’re not mistaken, as it was in the mouths of baddies Malcolm Merlyn and Nyssa al Ghul. Yes, this could potentially be a return to the League of Assassins, and considering the last time Oliver was up against Ra’s he ‘died’, we’re in for some high-pressure #drama.
Where does this leave everyone else? It’s yet to be known precisely how the rest of the Arrow squad will be affected, but they will still be working towards the common good, only in different ways without their leader. Perhaps, with their separation, we can see crossovers on a smaller scale than the annual cinematic crossovers across all four shows (three this year as Legends seems to be off the Christmas list!). Emily Rickards knows what she wants too, thinking the idea of having separate worlds yet pretending there’s only one for the crossover is peculiar. You’re not the only one. Maybe Iris can call Felicity for baby mama advice following that reveal?
A pretty significant bomb was dropped following The Flash’s season four finale, that left the audience with a dozen new questions involving Nora Allen, our resident speedster from the future, and who we now know as Barry and Iris’ daughter. Similar to everyone coming from the future and past alike there’s a secret in their arsenal, and this one seems to have an effect with alarming consequences. Just how is Iris taking the news? While Nora is gifting Barry his Flash ring – take note, it’s not only shiny but could potentially have the inbuilt future suit in a nudge to the comics – Iris is hit with a slew of anxieties that might overshadow those motherly intuitions.
What we would like to see with Nora around is more hints towards the endgame and the events that lead to Star City 2046. Having Oliver Queen dead too, has been a potential route that Stephen Amell has talked about recently on Michael Rosenbaum’s podcast Inside of You. It’d be undoubtedly peculiar not to have the OG protag around, but with many shows killing off their lead, anything can happen.
Something paranormal is in the air, with ethereal entities entering the earthly realms, due to the Legends’ run-in with Mallus. Coined as ‘magical fugitives’, Legend of Tomorrow’s fourth season will cater towards mythical creatures drawing from the narratives of legends and fairytales, who have taken shelter across the various timelines and proven that not all magic can be charming. It’s now the Legends’ duty to clean up the mess. Of course, this all comes to a head with the arrival of Matt Ryan’s Constantine, who’s now taken up a regular position for this season.
We’ll finally get to see Constantine’s flair back in action more often, while in an environment he’s all too familiar with. As we all know, Constantine as a series was axed before its time, but hopefully, the writers will use the character to their advantage and develop him and all of his nuances, and maybe they could see the potential for another season!? Eh? Maybe? Not to mention, we’re also excited to see his relationship dynamics back on the screen. It looks like there’s an episode where Sara Lance isn’t too happy with him, maybe it has to do with the magical concoction he’s stirring. Either way, it’ll surely be entertaining.
The season three finale of Supergirl was apparently a nod to Superman’s comic storyline of Red Son, and after the various reports from the showrunners, we know our eyes didn’t play tricks on us. Not only did we end up seeing double, but Kara used the Legion of Super-Heroes’ ring to transport herself back in time, and the Haruel to separate Sam and Reign to undo the aftermath of the battle that happened in the current timeline, ultimately killing Reign, but producing an alternate version of Kara who’s currently at a Russian military base!
Putting on our theory caps, this could be the touchstone for the big crossover! We already know this year’s won’t involve Legends Of Tomorrow, and with Arrow bringing in Batwoman, the introduction of Lois and the reappearance of Superman, we can assume that all of those threads will eventually come together. It’s ambitious, but if there’s any way to top last season’s crossover, that would undeniably do it.
The Flash premieres October 9, followed by Supergirl on October 14, Arrow on October 15 and DC’S Legends Of Tomorrow on October 22 before the massive three-night 2018 crossover event in December.